Veteran Burial

Veteran’s Burial & Veteran’s Burial Benefits

At South Coast Family Funeral Services in Costa Mesa, CA we are a funeral home that provides high-quality and affordable veteran burial services with compassion to meet your family’s unique needs.

This graveside burial option provides a memorial service afforded to veterans. Families can choose to incorporate military funeral honors into the service.

With us, you can have peace of mind. Benefits range from ceremonial services to a cemetery plot for cremation or burial, in addition to headstones or markers. There are several benefits and recognition markers that veterans may be eligible to receive. 

Honor your loved one and pay tribute to their lives and service to our country — without breaking your budget.

For all honorably discharged veterans of the United States Armed Forces, or those who died while on active duty, we are privileged to arrange for Military Honors.

Graveside Services Starting at $2395

Download Price List

If you, a friend, or a family member needs our help in Costa Mesa, CA please send us an email today or give us a call. We respond promptly to all our callers.

Burial Services in Costa Mesa, CA

At South Coast Family Funeral Services, we are a funeral home that provides high-quality and affordable veteran burial services with compassion to meet your family’s unique needs.

Bring the deceased into our care

Refrigeration while in our care

File Death Certificate with State

File California Permit For Disposition

Unfinished Pine Casket

Dressing and Casketing of Deceased

Transportation to Cemetery

Graveside service